Industrial zone

Mangistau Industrial Park

Brief description of Mangistau Industrial Park LLP

The area is 213 hectares.
Total area – 148 595 sq. M.
Wastewater treatment plants, – 5,000 m3 per day.
Railway lines, railway communication with Mangyshlak station – 12064 m.
Motor roads – 12 km.
Installed capacity – 112 MW
Length of electric networks – 27,700m
Length of water supply networks – 28,500m
Length of sewer networks –
14,100m Length of gas supply networks – 3,163m
Tank farm for storing oil products – 69,920 m3

In total, 5 projects were approved in the amount of 954 million tenge.
Upon implementation, 99 jobs will be created .

The project is accepted for consideration, subject to one or more of the following criteria:

  • project cost-effectiveness
  • social significance of the project
  • job creation
  • increase in the share of Kazakhstani content in the procurement of goods, works and services

List of current tenants

Company nameKind of activity
1LLP "ZhalynӨrtSөndіrushі"firefighting
2WestDecor LLPproduction of facade cladding
3TechsnabTrading LLPproduction of petrochemical, energy and other equipment
4Er-A LLPfor the dining room
5BTI Kazakhstan LLPproduction of waterproofing materials
6LLP "Samal-2003"production of building materials
7JV CaspiBitum LLPoffice

Fullness of

Total storage area213 ha
Total area of premises148 595sq.m.
Busy memory150 ha
Occupied premises32 657sq.m.
Free memory63 ha
Free premises115 938sq.m.

Планируемые проекты

Company namename of the projectProject amount, tgJobs, peopleArea, m2
1SA-BA LTD LLPRefining of oil and oil products214.7 million3 production room 400m², tanks 63m³-6pcs., 200m³-5pcs., 450m³-4pcs., railway overpass
2BatysCaspianService LLPLiquefied petroleum gas sales350,000,00034liquefied gas warehouse -1400m2
3Dala-Ekos LLPProduction of sulfur concrete, sulfur-asphalt concrete, various products (foundation blocks, paving, road slabs) and production of sulfur bitumen235.9 million13 production room 1000m², office space-100m², reinforced concrete plot-500m²
4KasHim LLPProduction of polypropylene bags235.9 million350 production room - 7800 m2
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